Friday, May 31, 2013

Antique Slot Machines

A few weeks ago, Jeanne's class decided to meet at the house of one of our class members. Her house was in a beautiful country setting, with flowers, a pond, etc. - but I liked all the antiques she had in the basement (plus, it was air conditioned inside), so I painted two of her antique slot machine guys. It turned out to be a rather ambitious project for just a few hours - but it was a fun challenge.

Jeanne's Class 5/13

I haven't been painting lately, but these were from Jeanne's last class. I had a few minutes left after painting the lilac - so I painted the lemon picture (unfinished).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Peonies and Lilacs

Jeanne's Class May 6, '13

These were not real, but it looked like such a lush bouquet, I couldn't resist. I used a bit of watercolor pencil for definition on some of the objects.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Jeff, The Tavern Keeper

I rarely say this, but "I like this painting." I see things that I should fix and I probably will go in and deal with the background and some other areas, but overall, I'm happy with the way this turned out. I never asked this guy if I could take his photo, but I figure if you are dressed in costume - you are fair game. I didn't even realize I had a picture of him until I went home and downloaded from my camera.

Here was the reference photo. I had to lighten it in Photoshop to see him.

Wire Baskets

These baskets presented a challenge - I figured I would use a stick and ink to draw them in. It didn't turn out exactly as planned, but what ever does? I took liberties with the background cloth and just used bits of pattern and color that I wanted.

What a Grind...

It seemed like a good idea at the time - to paint something other than flowers in Jeanne's class....
(Coffee grinders courtesy of Sally Young) I'm ok with the way the coffee grinders turned out, but the composition bothers me. I think I would focus on fewer items next time. The squares in the background were not actually there - I just painted them in. Painting objects like this is unfamiliar to me - so I guess it was a good exercise to do.